August 13

The 9 Point Kimura


The Kimura, being a basic move, allows you to have success – even when you are missing pieces of the puzzle. Just like a knife can still cut in the hands of a child, if you put that same knife in the hands of a world class sushi chef, his effectiveness is many orders of magnitude greater.

I estimate most martial artists understand 3-5 points of a Kimura (including black belts). Having taught seminars all across the globe, I have yet to meet someone that knew all 9 points. This is not the definitive list, as I’m sure I will discover a few more points (or so I hope) in time to make the Kimura even more effective.

The Kimura has has 9 points:

    1. Pin Wrist to the Mat

    1. No Thumbs in Your Grip

    1. Motorcycle Grip

    1. Their arm shaped like a L

    1. Put your elbow on the mat (arm near their hips)

    1. Bring your other elbow towards their elbow

    1. Bring their elbow towards their ear

    1. Put your sternum right on top of their shoulder and press into it

    1. Left up your elbow to elevate their elbow.


Kimura, Side Mount, Submissions

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