August 20

Sneaky Kimura against Guard Pass


When an opponent is working to pass your guard, you can bait them into a Kimura. This requires that you have kept your frames on his far arm, so that it can be captured as he advances to pass. It’s tricky for them, because your appear to be giving up your back, which if he tries to take it will end up with him getting stuck in a Kimura as well.

I have hit this technique on all levels of athletes, and even the best athletes fall for this. The key is in the setup. If I just give up my guard with no resistance it will be suspect. But if you are defending your guard, and they are putting pressure, and then you appear to give way and expose your back, they will rush to take it, leading them to getting stuck in the trap.


Guard Passing, Kimura, Kimura Trap

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