August 6

Gordon Ryan vs Felipe Pena 3 – Sweep Break Down


On August 7th, 2022, the grappling world had one of the most hyped matches in it’s history, Gordon Ryan vs Felipe Pena. This was a no time limit match, first to submission. It ended up being a 44 minute battle, with some interesting exchanges. On today’s video, I’m going to focus on the sweeps. Both sweeps were done by Gordon Ryan.

Both sweeps capitalized on a position we call the Reverse Seat Belt, also known as the Overwrap, Cat/Dog, and the Octopus Guard. A lot of top players like to sit out against half guard, which is a solid strategy. However, you need to make sure you trap their far arm first, which Felipe failed to do both times, and Gordon capitalized on this mistake each time.


Gordon Ryan, Half Guard, Reverse Seat Belt, Sweeps

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